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Mountain Biking Alone: Tips for Staying Safe on the Trail

Tips For When You Mountain Biking Alone

Tips for cycling alone out on the trails presented by Dynamic Cycling Adventures.

I adore going mountain riding by myself. Yes, I enjoy riding in groups and with other people, but I also really appreciate having the path to myself. It's a fantastic opportunity to reflect, take leisurely photo breaks, and move at my own pace, whether it be a hard-charging ride or a calm and deliberate pedal.

However, biking alone might have risks and may require a little more preparation and safety measures. This is particularly true if you're planning to ride in a remote area of the wilderness, like I recently did and which inspired this piece. Being prepared is the finest thing you can do when biking alone.

Learn how to stay safe when mountain biking alone including what to pack and how to prepare:

1. Tell Someone Where You’re Going

It's wise to let someone know where you're going whether you're going on a quick ride or a longer trip. I admit that I don't always tell people where I'm going, but after listening to the Out Alive audio episode "Alone and Injured in the Wild," I've changed my mind. Just let someone know where you're going, especially if it's not a very well-traveled path or network. You may text, call, leave a message, or anything.

2. Carry All The Essentials

It's crucial to have all the equipment and extras you'll need to escape a precarious scenario if you're mountain biking alone. Here is my list of necessities for both shorter backcountry treks and every ride.

Each trip:

  • chainbreaker and many tools
  • Tire plugs plus inserting device
  • Extra tube
  • 1 or 2 tire levers
  • manual pump
  • tyre boot
  • Snap ties
  • Drivetrain-specific master chain link, such as an 11- or 12-speed, SRAM, Shimano, etc.
  • a removal tool and valve cores
  • Extra derailleur hanger, specific to model or brand of bicycle

Longer rides:

  • Chain lube in a little bottle (0.5 oz)
  • Use the type/brand of sealant that is currently in your tires; do not mix. Small bottle sealant
  • Tabs for salt
  • a thin layer
  • medical kit
  • Bear repellent in a convenient location

3. Plan Your Route & Know The Stats

Have a basic idea of the ride's statistics and the path chosen before you leave. How far is it in miles? What is the gain in elevation? Are there options to leave or shorten the journey? The more pre-planning you do, the less likely it is that you'll find yourself in a tricky scenario.

4. Provide a method of navigation

All of your planning will go for naught if you don't have a method to navigate, even if you did the research to choose a fantastic ride. I always have TrailForks downloaded on my phone, which helps me stay on course and always know where I am. MTB Project is another excellent program, however their database isn't as extensive because they don't include "unsanctioned" or "illegal" trails. Paper maps are fine, but having a GPS software or device that shows you exactly where you are is a much better idea. I use my Garmin Edge 830 bike computer to navigate on very long rides or overnight bike packing adventures.

5. Check How Popular A Trail Is

If I'm going on a backcountry ride, I'll utilize TrailForks to see who just rode a trail to see how popular it is. I can then roughly estimate how long I will have to wait before seeing another mountain biker—whether it will be minutes, hours, or days. To do this, go to TrailForks (the desktop version is free) and search for the trail you'll be riding. If you're doing a trail link-up, look for the trails that are the longest and furthest apart. Nevertheless, bear in mind that this is only a very approximate indication of recent trail usage. Riders won't appear if their rides aren't either manually or automatically uploaded to Strava. For instance, I passed three other mountain bikers during my trip, but none of them appeared alongside me in the ride log. Additionally, trails are used by people other than mountain bikers. Equestrians and hikers were also present. The only way to obtain a sense of how frequently mountain bikers use a trail is to look through ride logs.

6. Recognize & Honor Your Limits

I don't test my limitations or attempt larger features when mountain biking alone. Being safe is preferable to being sorry. Bring some pals back the next time to try that trail or feature if it would stretch your ability or endurance boundaries. It is far preferable to have other individuals close by to assist you if you find yourself in a sticky situation.

7. Pick A Pace That Feels Good

When I'm mountain biking alone, for some reason I always feel like I need to pedal quickly and finish the route. I have to remind myself to take it easy and relish the journey. Set a relaxed pace (which may vary depending on how you're feeling) and take pleasure in being by yourself in the outdoors.

8. Track Your Ride

The Strava app offers a "beacon" option that allows you to share real-time tracking with certain members of your family or friends. If you're going on a solo ride in a rural area, it's a good method to let them know where you are. You must record your ride on your phone in order to use this feature. Additionally, Garmin includes a LiveTrack feature that notifies particular contacts when you begin and end a ride. To use LiveTrack, you do need a Garmin device, such as the Garmin Fenix, which is the watch I use. The Strava Beacon and LiveTrack, however, do have significant shortcomings. Throughout your ride, you must keep the Strava or Garmin app open, and good phone service is required. This also implies that if you put your phone in airplane mode to conserve energy, neither will function. It's best to bring a GPS satellite communicator with you if you're going on a long, solitary wilderness trip.

9. Bring a GPS satellite phone.

Carrying a GPS satellite communication device like the Garmin inReach Mini can literally save your life on higher-risk rides when you know you won't have access to cellular service. This device offers two-way communication, so you can request assistance by pressing a button. There is a monthly subscription fee to use the Garmin inReach.

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