What is Enduro? Think of your favorite New England tech trail then imagine it being a fast downhill!! Gravity makes everything harder. And that's Enduro....steep, techy, gnarly terrain on a steep downhill. That's what this camp is all about. Over the course of 8 hours will take a deep dive into the skills required to tackle downhill tech. After we have dialed in the skills we ride some black and double black trails..and Norbrook is the PERFECT venue!!
You will learn proper body position, advanced braking techniques, and how to use your suspension to manage various types of terrain from steep rock rollers to nasty downhill rock gardens. If you want LEARN the PROPER WAY to RIDE STEEP TECHY DOWNHILL this camp is for you.
Our day starts in a grassy field introducing and developing the skills. Before lunch we head out and ride Double Down to start to experiement and apply our new skills. After lunch we burn off lunch legs riding Traverse over to Dive Bomb. We will session the the rock gardens and techy down hill on Dive Bomb. After learning the lines we will ride Dive Bomb as it's meant to be ridden, cleaning all the features. After Dive Bomb we step it up by riding Flying Squirel and Old Oak, As the terrain gets harder we continue to progress our skills taking our riding to an advanced level. By the end of the day you are lapping Flying Squirel and Old Oak as though it was and Enduro race and you leading the race!
PRICE $249
Sunday, August 10th
TIME TO GET OUR WHEELS OFF THE GROUND. We will focus on managing and actively responding to pressures from the terrain (compressing) as well as proper timing & coordination by going through a proper jump and drop progression including:
PRICE $249
Combine both days for an epic weekend of elevating your riding to the NEXT LEVEL!
PRICE $449