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5 Stretches To Avoid Injury

5 Stretches That Can Help You Avoid MTB Injuries

stretching on mountain bike while out on the trails

You may have been injured prior to cycling. Stretching before any activity is recommended by a large number of physical therapists, sports massage clinics, chiropractors, acupuncturists, dry needlers, and orthopedic doctors. However, preventing injuries before they occur is one method to avoid seeing these practitioners. We all know that a bike that has been properly lubricated and maintained will perform better and endure longer than one that has been ignored. Our bodies, however, are just as important (if not more so!) than the machine they propel, and they require regular maintenance. So, why do so many riders spend more time tuning up their bikes than their bodies?

Spending time in the saddle of a mountain bike has numerous advantages, including stress alleviation, cardiovascular health, muscle toning, and a sense of freedom. Pain, discomfort, bad posture, weakness, and injury must all be avoided while riding. Stretches for the lower back, hips, and other mountain bike muscles.

The top 5 stretches to avoid mountain bike accidents are as follows:

1 – Seated Spine Twist – We spend hours crouched over our bikes, rising and descending in fits and starts but virtually always in the forward/back plane. Our backs (and necks) will be more supple and less prone to pains and injuries if we move our spine in different planes. Bend your right knee so it's flat on the floor near to your body while sitting on the floor with your legs straight in front of you. Place your right hand behind you to support yourself while sitting tall. Exhale and rotate your left elbow across your body, hooking it on the outside of your right knee. Sit tall with your back straight and shoulders down, pressing your right foot into the dirt. Rep on the other side.

Seated spine twist
hip stretch

2 – Hip Stretch – During every pedal stroke on every mountain bike ride, our hip flexors and gluteus (butt) muscles work really hard, especially on Colorado biking trails with a lot of climbing! This stretch will help to relieve some of the tension in these areas. Bend your right knee and lay your right ankle on your left knee while standing. To squat on the left leg, bend the left knee and hinge at the hip. For a deeper stretch, press down on the right knee. Hold for ten seconds, then swap legs and do it again.

3 – Chest Openers - For the majority of our mountain bike rides, we reach down and forward, collapsing our chest. When the terrain gets tough, bringing some counter-position to our chest, ribs, and lungs will allow us to take deeper breaths. Clasp your hands behind your lower back while standing. Pull on the hands to open the chest and move the shoulders back. Take a couple deep breaths and hold them for 10 seconds.

chest openers
wide leg forward fold

4 - Wide leg forward fold - Many cyclists are unaware that tight hamstrings are frequently the source of lower back problems. This stretch can be used before or after a mountain bike ride to treat lower back stiffness. Place your feet about a shoulder width apart. Raise arms above head and lower hands to the ground while keeping your back straight. Feel the stretch in your lower back and hamstrings as you relax your neck and shoulders. Sway lightly from side to side while keeping your knees bent. Hold your breath for at least 10 seconds.

5 – Quad stretch – Prevents knee problems by stretching the quadriceps muscles and ligaments, which pull on the knee. Bend your right knee and grab the front of your ankle with your right hand while standing. To safeguard the knee joint, keep the knees close together. By flexing the right foot while balancing on one leg, you can achieve a deeper stretch. Hold for ten seconds, then swap legs and do it again.

These stretches will concentrate on balance while opposing the stance we hold on the mountain bike routes. Tune those bodies as much as your bike, and you'll be able to mountain cycle pain-free for years to come!

quad stretch
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